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Head Lice

Acting under the direction of the board of education, with guidance from our school physician, the following procedure has been formulated for effective and direct response to the existence of head lice.

  1. Any pupil having head lice will be sent home. The child will be excluded from school until the child's hair is free of lice and nits (the egg cases).
  2. The pupil, upon returning to school, must be accompanied by a parent or a guardian and must report to the nurse's office where a detailed examination will be made.  If there is no evidence of active lice or nits, the nurse will issue her signed approval of reentry.


The district's intention in implementing this procedure is not to deliberately work a hardship, but rather to protect all pupils.

Thank you very much for your cooperation in the matter. If you have any questions about the above, please contact the nurse in the appropriate building.

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